GHS Connect #2 Monday 16th September
Mia's notes
I hope everyone has now settled into the new term. Routines are working well, so thank you for that, and some of the new additions to the site, such as the new dining hall extension have made a really big difference to break and lunchtimes. We continue to embed our systems around punctuality, uniform and pro-social behaviour, so if a child is late to your lesson, please do mark as such, and please remember to send students to student services during tutor time if they are not in correct uniform. Students who display anti-social behaviour will be kept out of circulation for 3 sessions of lunchtime.
Thank you also for keeping students in lessons as much as possible and for starting the year off with such good T&L experiences. On my walks around I have seen much active, engaging learning.
Thank you to everyone who helped with Expectations Evenings - they were very successful with an excellent turn-out rate from families.
Have a great week everyone,