GHS Connect #33 Monday 24th June
Mia's notes
As I said in briefing this week, thank you so much to everyone who has been involved in running, setting up or planning for the many activities and events this term. It is wonderful to see so many things either happening or in the pipeline, but I also know that this takes a huge amount of time and effort.
This week sees us running Prom for Year 11, the transition evening for Year 6, a continuation of the Kew Gardens trip, trips to University of West London, the St Mary’s Year 9 Residential and trips to Oxford, Cambridge and the Tate, just to pick out a few.
Thank you to Maya for all of the preparation for International Day, which is coming up on 10th July. Don’t forget that staff are invited to celebrate by dressing up too!
Finally, a massive thank you to Hardeep and the team for their phenomenal efforts in organising and managing all of the exams. Public exams are now finally over!
Have a great week,