Student Voice
This year has seen a big increase in the number of Student Voice sessions that have been run across all year groups, with different students across all sorts of topics - it has been a pleasure spending time chatting to the students about a range of subjects and getting a sense of how the year has been for them all… There’s been some interesting feedback! 22 sessions have been run in total by a variety of staff, working with students of all ages, and in particular with some of our more vulnerable groups. And, we have covered topics such as Safety, Behaviour and Rewards, Attendance, the use of Google Classroom, the length of lessons and what we are doing for our Pupil Premium Students.
Here are some of the highlights:
- Students really like outside speakers coming in and want more of them;
- The Mock Results Day for Year 11 was really effective and helped Year 11 think about how best to use the remaining time;
- We are really good at making sure those most in need of resources get them;
- Year 11 liked having more exams…
- Year 10 feel ready for next year!
- Students generally feel safe when they are at school;
- More rewards are being given out;
- And, SMHW is used to check their Character Points;
- Our PP cohort feel supported by staff;
- Students want to stay on in our sixth form!
There were many, many more strengths - this is just a snapshot…
Of course, there were some things that we need to think about too, and again, here is a taste:
- We would like more outside speakers;
- We would like post-results workshops on how to improve those levels;
- We would like workshops on managing stress in our lives;
- We would like behaviour plans for particular students;
- We would like more trips!
A huge thank you to all staff who have conducted Student Voice sessions, and to those who have responded to (the appropriate!) requests that have emerged… If anyone would like to run a session, has a particular subject they would like to be addressed by those of us who do run them, or has indeed run sessions and would like to add the findings to the spreadsheet that records all of the feedback given, please just let me know.