GHS Connect #12 Monday 4th December
Mia's notes
I hope everyone has managed to stay warm this weekend!
As we enter December, we will inevitably feel like we are on wind down towards the end of term, but it’s important to remember that everyone in schools - students, staff and parents alike - all benefit from consistency in terms of routines. Students will all behave and achieve better if core aspects of their day remain the same, whether that be in relation to the systems around punctuality and uniform, excellent teaching and learning and consistently high expectations. In my experience, this also then has a positive knock on in terms of our own wellbeing - if students are not ‘all over the place’, then we tend to have better days too.
Can I please therefore ask everyone to keep a strong focus on good teaching and learning and routines, right up until the very end of term. As soon as students start engaging in more passive things, we tend to start seeing problems. No videos, therefore, until the very last day please!
Many thanks for everything that has been going on that continues to make our school so great. Last week saw a continuation of mock exams, an athletics competition and netball match, Post 16 mock medicine and dentistry interviews, an apprenticeship talk, a geography trip, a parents’ attendance workshop, parent workshops with Ealing Safer Parenting Team, Year 10 sessions on mental health and Year 8 parents’ evening. Thank you to everyone who was involved in all of these things! Thank you also to all pastoral staff involved in the respect, bullying and attitude to learning workshops that have taken place and been so successful.
Have a good week,