Thinking About Next Year...
As I have said in a previous ‘Connect’, now is the time that we start to turn our attention to next year. Evaluation is a key step to undertake first, and the SLT have been busy RAG rating the School Improvement Plan and considering what needs prioritising for next year, as well as looking at the changes we need to further embed at this time. I am sure that HODs and HOYs and those of you with responsibilities will be doing the same thing.
Although we are not quite there yet in finalising whole school priorities, we are likely to be looking at better embedding ‘basics’ around some specific pastoral and behaviour expectations such as respect, uniform and punctuality and I will give some more information about this in September, as we will need everyone on board across the school for this to work and have impact.
Other key priorities will include continuing to work on ABC (Access, Bridge and Checking Understanding), and making this an expectation in all classrooms, as well as supporting students in making better use of digital learning.
Of course there will be many other priorities as we are such a large and busy school, so the above points really just provide a flavour of the general direction. It is really important that everyone feeds into the discussions, so I would encourage you to feedback any ideas you might also have for our foci for next year. We will also be issuing a staff survey shortly which I would urge all staff to complete as this will also help to further inform our discussions around school improvement priorities.