GHS Connect #33 Monday 12 June
Mia's notes
I hope everyone had a good first week back. Things are hotting up in terms of weather but also events and I wanted to thank everyone for their contribution to the Summer events, whether that be in relation to Year 11 Prom, Year 11 Leavers’ assembly, the huge number of trips and visits being organised or internal events such as International Day. I am looking forward to all of these events (and more!) and know that they will make a massive difference to all of our students.
Thank you once again to the exams team as we stagger towards the end of a very long exam season. In a school of our size, running exams in a massive operation, and requires a great deal of skill, organisation, patience and energy. Well done to everyone who is involved.
As Year 11 have now left, and only come onto site for a few drop down sessions and for exams, we will have a bit of a quieter site and will begin a transition to introduce Year 7 onto the main site at break and lunchtime. The move away from the focus on exam lessons will also mean that we can focus on classes that may have had a bit less attention than we would like. The summer is also a great time to try out a few different teaching strategies with classes and embed some of our ABC strategies further, as well as trying out some of the things from the research led CPD.
Have a great week,