Year 9 Options
Last half term, the Year 9s followed a comprehensive programme of information, advice and guidance for their KS4 Options, that included twice-weekly presentations and activities during tutor time.
A big thank-you to Year 9 FTs for delivering this and for the additional support you provided on RA Day.
And another big thank-you to the HoDs and TLR-holders who produced up-to-date videos and course outlines for the website to inform students and their parents, which can be found here.
For those not aware, alongside English language, English literature, maths, double science and (in most cases) a foreign language most students will be able to select up to three more subjects.
You’ll see that there is a very wide range on offer, in keeping with our commitment to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, and it includes: art, business studies, child care, computer science, DT product design, DT food and nutrition, drama, economics, geography, history, ICT, media studies, music, photography, PE, psychology and religious education.
A small group of SEN students will be following an alternative pathway that includes English and maths functional skills and workskills, alongside one option choice – Gurvinder has been liaising with parents to explain our reasoning for this.
Students have received a link to on online form where they can select their three first choices along with two reserve choices and this needs to be completed by Tuesday 2/5.
So please support them over the next week as they make these important decisions!
Adam Bush