GHS Connect #37 Monday 18 July
From the Head
Somehow we have finally made it (almost) to the end of term! I can’t possibly sum up an entire year in one Connect, so I won’t try, but suffice to say that I am immensely grateful for everyone’s exceptionally hard work in what has been, in my opinion, one of the hardest years ever. Everyone deserves an absolutely fantastic break so do make sure you enjoy it!
A few final thank yous - thank you for the final set of trips last week and this week: a walk along the Thames path; Thorpe Park x 2; The Bush theatre turned Questors; The Globe Theatre; Northala Hills; Diamond Light Source; Oxygen x 2 and debating at Cardinal Wiseman.
A special shout out comes from Gina to Ben and Abbie, as when the Year 8 trip to the Bush Theatre was cancelled by the venue on the morning of the trip, they went all out to find somewhere to take the students so they wouldn’t be disappointed. The Bush Theatre therefore became Questors Theatre instead and they even managed to get an offer for a free tour of Questors!
Another special mention goes to Hassnain for taking overall charge of the last minute Yr 9 Thorpe Park Trips, for encouraging staff to help, sorting problems with deadlines for the coaches, calling parents to chase payments and permission slips. He never failed to smile and managed to get everything sorted super efficiently.
Congratulations also to the English department for coming home with a trophy from the debating competition.
Well done to all!
Please familiarise yourself with the VLE announcement about the shortened day Monday and Tuesday and please do ask if you need any support in the heat. Please remember I am at an appointment on Monday, so I will not be in, but you can direct any concerns to Amandip.
No briefing on Wednesday in the morning, but we will meet as a staff at 12:45pm.