Out and about: staff wellbeing
Staff running
What has this picture got to do with running? Well our runs have become adventures in themselves. This is a picture of the criminal swan that tried to attack us on our run as we ran on the path of Ealing’s beautiful canal. So we are not just improving our health, but also learning survival skills. What monsters will we face next time? Well come down and join us in order to find out.
When? Every week Wednesday we start at 3:30 pm. It gives us enough time to clean our classrooms, get changed and get some food down us!
Where? We can meet at BF01/the entrance to BF01. We run from the school and tend to run by the canal or around the Northala park. We can decide on the day.
What do you need? Shorts/tracksuit bottoms, trainers (with socks of course), T-shirt... And that’s it really.
Why? It is impossible to find time in the day for ourselves, never mind for something like exercise. What normally happens when we get home:
1. Too tired, so want to lay in bed (Netflix, or Love Island?)
2. Have to take care of the family
3. It is too dark to run by the time you get home
4. Or you are no longer in the mood once you get home
5. And many other legitimate reasons
So the best way to overcome this is to run straight after school! And you will go home feeling productive and refreshed (and slightly sweaty).
Even if you have just started to run or considering it, please join! We go at a pretty comfortable talking pace. Everyone is welcome.
Cimi Hysenaj
Friday Football
If running isn't your thing, then come and play 5-a-side football in the Sports Hall after school on a Friday. It's a great way to end the week and a chance to meet colleagues from other departments. Everyone welcome!
Email Will Halsey to be added to the Friday football email list each week.
Will Halsey