In focus: SEND update
At Greenford we have 201 students on the SEN register (11% of the whole school cohort).
21% of the students that are on the SEN register are on for speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). We also have 10 students with EHCPs that state that SLCN is their primary need (even more if you count the students with it as a secondary need).
I’m a strong believer that for strategies to work they need to be simple for teachers to implement and not take hours of preparation time prior to the lesson. Everyone is really busy and therefore the majority of the top tips for SEND you will get from our department will be small tweaks and adjustments to teaching and your normal lesson preparation.
Lots of the strategies for supporting SLCN also benefit other students in the classroom as it is just good quality teaching. Therefore even if you don’t have SEN students in your group, these are worth a read!
Top Tips: SLCN
> Keep verbal instructions short and simple and allow processing (thinking) time.
> Repeat whole class instructions to them individually or as part of a small group. Use recall to measure level of understanding.
> Make use of written instructions/information that the student can refer back to. This can help the student to remain focused. Simply put verbal instructions on the whiteboard as well.
> Highlight key words and provide definitions.
> Encourage the student to use a highlighter to emphasise key facts they need to remember.
> Read through text with the student (or to the whole class), as many students with language difficulties also have reading difficulties. Talk about what the text means with the student.
> Make optimum use of visual support including practical demonstrations, pointing, gesturing, simple diagrams and pictures to teach new vocabulary.
There are lots more tips available, so please contact Caroline O’Connor (SENCO), if you would like more in depth information on supporting SLCN students.
Caroline O'Connor