From the Head
This will be the last GHS Connect before half term so I wanted to start by saying well done for such a great start to the year. So much has gone on already that it’s almost impossible to keep up. In terms of trips, thank you to Trisha, Emmet, Buchi and Kathy for taking Year 11s to a Careers Conference last Friday. Thanks also to Lucy, Dan and Charline for taking Years 9 and 10 to Valencia for five days this coming Wednesday - going totally above and beyond. I’m also very grateful to Peter, Jeremy and Sarah who are off to China with Year 12 during their half term. What an incredible opportunity for our students to experience another culture. And, just think about all of those Chinese banquets they will be able to indulge in!
I also wanted to thank everyone for the everyday aspects that keep everything running so smoothly - the ‘meet and greets’, the planning, the marking, the modelling, the questioning, the duties and the frustrating conversations with students to keep them on track. We spend our days doing so many things which can be exhausting, but which will be making a difference.
Thank you to everyone who completed my staff survey. I have to say, I found it a very helpful read and I’ve started to think about the ways we might address some of the issues raised. Although a lot of the comments were focused around specific concerns, there were inevitably some patterns. These included the split lunch, Tuesday meetings, issues around behaviour, questions around i-block and the need for us to work together as a more cohesive team at times. There was an overriding sense that as a staff body we should consult more, continue to support one another, treat support and teaching staff as one, socialise more and aid one another’s wellbeing. My next steps are to work with the SLT on an action plan to address those areas that we feel we can make changes to. More info will follow as we begin this process.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful, restful half term. You all certainly deserve it.