Inclusion and Pastoral
I hope everyone survived the first full week back - there was a lovely, calm feel about the school in the winter sun. Long may that last…
As I mentioned in briefing, I will use this week’s Connect to do a little update on some of our biggies, so here goes:
Year 11
Mo Raja - now out at alternative provision for the whole week;
Harris Javed - has been permanently excluded, but in the hope of finding alternative provision;
Jasmine Rehal - now back in school and should be in lessons. A late arrival and early finish may be arranged, but staff will be informed of this when it starts;
Katie Pitcher - in school but using online provision in BG10. Should NOT be wandering around aimlessly;
Chardonnay George-Flavien - coming in each day but shortened hours.
And, we still have 4 Year 11 students who have been educated off-site all term for a variety of safeguarding reasons. I will talk to staff and the KS4 Achievement Team about exam entries.
Year 10
Gursharan Singh - back in full-time as of 17/01/22;
Madison Quish - will be returning to school on a staggered timetable. The Year Team will have emailed staff about this.
Year 9
Rishti (Jozef) Sharda - has left London and we are waiting to hear about the new school;
Shakira Akbari - reduced timetable, different each week as it pivots around lessons she can cope with;
Sakaria Ali - has been permanently excluded, governors yet to meet;
Zakariya Butt - has been permanently excluded and upheld by governors.
Year 8
Lily Green - still coming in on Wednesdays and Fridays at the moment.
The only other things from me are to remind everyone about the counsellors on site who are there to help staff, should you need it and to let you know that we have Your Life You Choose and Chelsea’s Choice coming up, both PSHCE drop-down sessions about key issues. Exact dates and details to follow soon. Remember it’s PSHCE on Thursday too - resources for Spring here.
Have a fab week!