Inclusion and Pastoral
Happy Monday to everyone - this time next week we will be working towards our Friday off. Hurrah!
In the meantime, I hope everyone is just about keeping their heads above water. I met with Jo, one of our counsellors, last week who asked me to remind staff that she is there for you if you need to talk to her about anything. It’s a free, confidential service and she can be contacted on
This week is Anti-Bullying Week - students are aware of this from last week’s assemblies and will be looking at it again this week. The campaign is pivoted around One Kind Word, so if we can promote this in all of our interactions with students, especially those who may need more of a reminder than others, that would be great! More resources and advice can be found here.
Last thing from me this week is a reminder about SMHW - thank you to everyone for embracing this and making part of our teaching and learning routines. We still have a small handful of students who have not yet signed up so I am going to earmark some sessions this week to scoop them up, sit them in front of a computer and get them logged on. Apologies in advance for the disruption!
That’s it for this week - have a good week, everyone!