GHS Connect #2 Monday 13 September
From the Head
I hope that everyone had a good week last week. It certainly does feel as if things have reverted to a greater sense of normality, for now at least!
A few reminders from me this week:
- Please remember to do ‘meet and greet’ at the start of every lesson. Although SLT and pastoral staff will continue to support in the corridors, we really need your help too. ‘Meet and greet’ also aids emotional check ins with students, and signals to them that you ‘own the room’ before they go in.
- Please check the duty rota, put a reminder in your outlook calendar and be on time. The more watertight we can make these systems, the better everything will run for everybody.
- While we have not had a huge number of Covid cases so far, there are some, so please remember to undertake your lateral flow tests. New ones have been put in staff trays in reception.
As we continue with our ‘bounce back’ focus, it’s worth noting that some of our SEN and more vulnerable students are struggling, particularly some of our Looked After Children and our SEN students with SLCN (speech, language, and communication needs) and SEMH (social, emotional and mental health needs).
Some of these students find basic things such as listening, following instructions, dealing with more than one instruction at once, as well as managing anger incredibly difficult. They will not process things in the way that we do, or in the way that other students in the class do, and will need plenty of take up time, with instructions repeated a number of times.
Please check SEN records for students with needs in your class, and remember that the staff in the Learning Support Department are always available to offer advice and strategies.
I hope you have a great week,