GHS Connect #33 Monday 14 June
From the Head
There is no way of sugar coating what I have to communicate this week. Obviously, many of you will be aware of the horrific event that took place in Hillingdon on Friday, and I am deeply troubled and saddened to have to tell you that we believe it is one of our students who has been charged with murder over the weekend. I have spent a lot of the weekend trying to put my feelings into words, and I am still very much struggling. All I can say is that for me, this is, by far, the worst thing that has ever happened in my time in education and in my many years at GHS. I cannot begin to imagine how the staff and students are feeling over at the other school, and my thoughts are continually with them.
Obviously, because our student is a minor, their identity must remain protected. It is therefore crucially important that if you do know who the student involved is, you do not mention them by name. For now, the student charged remains innocent until proven guilty and we must protect their anonymity.
Please can I ask you to be mindful of a few things:
> Do not be drawn into discussions about this with students. If you are stuck for what to say, remember it is okay to say you don’t know.
> Please spare a thought for our pastoral teams and SLT this week. They have been upset beyond measure by this turn of events, and spent all of Friday dealing with the fallout.
> Please remember that students who have heard about this are also going to be shocked, confused, pretty worried and will be struggling to process it all.
> We will be doing some work with the year group involved, probably involving our Safer Schools Officer, but we need to get advice over what we are legally allowed to say and do, so please bear with us.
Last Tuesday, when myself and Lou spoke about some of the enormous contextual challenges and safeguarding issues that we were facing outside of school, this provides a very relevant, if extreme example. This student was known to external services but unfortunately, our own concerns about the level of risk attached to this student were not always fully recognised by them. I know that colleagues will be concerned by this so Lou will be giving more information about this in our staff briefing on Wednesday. I’d also like to reassure staff that the school site remains safe and that, on Friday, at no time did the student involved enter school premises.
Please remember that our counsellors are available for staff, should anybody wish to see one. You can find the details on this flyer and Lou also gives more information in her section, below. We also have access to Workplace Options which you can also find information about on the VLE. See our Wellbeing section of the VLE: