GHS Connect #25 Monday 29 March
From the Head
I’d like to start this week by saying a really massive thank you to everybody for coming back and making the return to school so successful since the beginning of March. To say it has been another up and down year is somewhat of an understatement, but as ever, everyone has risen to the challenge. Nowhere has this been more evident than in a lovely, recent email I was sent by Ola, one of our Year 11 students, who wanted to ‘shout out’ some of her teachers. Here are Ola’s words (sadly without her smiley faces as they didn't copy across!)
Thanks so much, Mr Dhindsa for your lovely support and you have always supported me if I needed any support! I really do appreciate it and thanks so much for having high expectation of me for English Literature and that I will improve, and I have always been happy to speak to you about anything that worries me
Thanks so much, Mrs Phull for always being there for me and I have always appreciated your advice to me! And I always get reminded by you Mrs Phull to not worry about exams and take a break as I usually don’t as I just do work and forget about myself, and I have always been happy to speak to you about anything
Thanks so much, Ms Westcott for your helpful advice and you have made me think about the positives and not look at the negatives! As I always took the rude comments from students to heart, but your great advice has helped me also; I really do appreciate your helpful advices and your time
Thanks so much, Ms John for always checking in with me if I was feeling well and I am happy to speak to you about anything that worries me and your advice has always been helpful to me! And I really do appreciate your support and help
Thanks so much, Ms El-Sockary for always telling me that I am amazing and no matter what I will be! I have always been happy to speak to you if I felt worried about anything also, you have always reminded me that there is nothing that I need to worry about
Thanks so much, Mr Ebzao for asking me if there is anything that is worrying me or if I was okay! I really do appreciate the time you have taken to speak to me and every time you have always made me think about the good side
Of course, Ola’s thank you reflects all of the amazing work that so many staff are doing to support our students all of the time, and while they might not all take the time to say thank you, I know that they do all really appreciate it.
On a different note, you may notice me walking around with some visitors this week. We have a number of potential candidates visiting the school before applying for the Deputy Headship. If you do happen to see us, please feel free to say hello.
Finally, this weekend, you may have read about a website that has been set up to allow (mainly) women and girls to relate their experiences of sexual harassment and assault. On this website, some West London schools, both independent and state, have been named, and it certainly makes for an uncomfortable read. Whilst I could not see GHS mentioned, it would be naive to think that we have never had problems with relationships between girls and boys and I think we all know that this is an issue for all young people, regardless of where they attend school. We intend to do a lot more work around this as part of PSHCE next year, however, if you would like to discuss anything around this issue with me further, please do not hesitate.
If I don’t see you in person before, I wish everyone a wonderful, restful break.