Inclusion & Pastoral
Welcome back - I hope everyone had a lovely half-term and feels rested. One of my lot was self-isolating due to track and trace at their school but it forced us as a family to slow right down, which was no bad thing.
Schools Counselling Partnership
This week sees the start of the Schools Counselling Partnership working with us. Jo and Tash, our therapists, will be based in school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and will be running a variety of sessions. Jo has put together an introductory video for us all, which I will ask Will to put on the VLE, and will also be introducing herself in HODs briefing on Wednesday. They are going to spend this week sorting out their rooms and the administrative side of things, but will begin to see clients, students and staff, referrals and drop-ins, from next week onwards. If you would like to know any more about the service, please do ask. But, there will also be more information to come for those who would like to use the service - any interaction you have with either Tash or Jo, from a personal perspective, will of course be confidential.
Thank you to everyone for your continued support and delivery of the PSHCE programme - I hope the session in the week before half-term went well. Our next session will be Tuesday 10 November, during P1. If you could remind students to bring in their PSHCE booklets on that day, that would be great. I’m not sure how they got on with remembering them for the last session, but fingers crossed the majority of students remembered… The next lesson you will be delivering is the third lesson on the system for the year group you are teaching on that Tuesday morning. Please do have a look at the resources beforehand, if you get the chance, and feel free to adapt, if you need to. If you do do this, make sure you make a copy of the presentation before doing so, so that it is not changed for everyone else. Similarly, if there is anything that you are unsure about delivering, or are concerned about, please speak to either myself or Keely. All the resources for PSHCE can be found in Teacher Share > Common > PSHE > 2020-2021.
Tutor sessions
As mentioned before in GHS Connect, I have had to tweak the PSHCE dates moving forwards, given the mixed classes we have in some GCSE classes. Please check the new dates on the VLE. What I have done instead is use those slots on a Tuesday and Thursday to factor in some tutor sessions through the year. This is so that we continue to get some regular face-to-face time with our tutees which I know both staff and students have found invaluable. I have pencilled in the dates of these sessions, which will run in a similar fashion to the session we had in October, but have yet to firm up on the actual logistics - the dates are included in with the revised PSHCE dates, so please have a look at when those sessions will be so that you can plan accordingly. Also, let me know if there is anything you think should be covered during those sessions, or if you are liable to lose a PPA slot as a result of being with your tutor group.
Lastly, a plea for those of you who have not yet let me know about reading KCSIE (if you can’t remember what the acronym means, you might be one of those people) - I’ll be sending out individual reminders at some stage this week, so see if you can get in first! You can find everything you need in the Safeguarding documents page of the VLE.
Lou Grimley